Cognitive Bias - Understanding Diagnosis - 3
What do you see? A woman walking by or maybe… the face of a man? Medicine, the noblest of professions , is primarily a cognitive...

"No-fault errors" - Understanding Diagnosis -2
"Once we realize that imperfect understanding is the human condition,there is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our...

Misdiagnosis - Understanding Diagnosis - 1
When people feel ill and go to see their doctor, they usually trust that the doctor will have the training and skills necessary to...

Personalizing Health Care
When Pt. Rajeshakar Hiremutt (Name changed) approached Knowurture, he wanted to know where he could get operated for his Knee pain. He...

“I can’t afford that”
You don’t need to answer the question “How do you cater to people who cannot afford your services?’’ unless you are in healthcare. We...